Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Hey guys sorry it's been a while since I've been on here, don't worry about me getting back to you I get back to everyone who leaves a comment on the latest post. Back to the point I went home for the weekend to see my friends and they have all been talking. You see these are the friends I planned to move to cannada with to just live somewhere remote and away from it all but while I've been gone they have been having the exact same thoughts as me but they have been able to talk to each other about it and expand  on the dream. The new plan is to move to portugal. We all get a house in some remote town and just grown ourselfs' a nice steady income and see what happens.  We are not planning on having a boring life we are just gonna see how as far we can go and who knows maybe we could make it big, I've got real big plans.. Anyone on here had any experience with growing?


  1. Come to Canada! There are plenty of awesome people like moi :) Portugal?! That's so cool! I've moved around the globe myself but I'm still a kid so I don't exactly know what it's like to start a living... :/


  2. Yea, I would go to canada too. Not Portugal

  3. I visited Portugal last summer, and it was awesome

  4. Portugal looks like a sweet place to visit.

  5. great, can't wait for an update

  6. "People should not be afraid of their government. The government should be afraid of their people."

  7. Portugal sounds like a nice place. What do you intend to grow? there are countless books about that...

  8. Great post, that image is my new wallpaper... Very cool find on that one.

    I'll be sure to check back in soon!

  9. i think the quote in the image says it all

  10. Sounds pretty extreme to me but I say go for Canada. Seems safer.

  11. Only difference between an animal and a human is that humans can die with purpose.

  12. I have grown some plants. I would be a sustenance farmer if I were you :D

  13. I hope you'll choose the right place !

  14. life's tough right now here in portugal ... but nice place to relax

    that seems to be one of those fases that if you can just pass it you'll see a brighter tomorrow

  15. Good post! Looking forward to reading you next one

  16. Cool story.

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  17. Only had experience with shrinking, but i believe that with a few smart friends, anyone can make it big.

  18. No problem mate! Keep them posts coming!

  19. that gives me something to think about

  20. Damn, Portugal, now that's a plan :D

  21. Experience growing what? Ohh, oops, nevermind.

  22. ive got some experience growing >=] what might u need help with kind sir?

  23. @chrischaos
    How big of an operation did you have dude?

  24. Lol wut. Not Portugal, Canada of course. It's just a weaker and less awesome version of America, but at least it's rightnext door you you can come back if you want.

  25. Portugal? I think there are more interesting places than that personally, but anywhere in Europe is going to be more fun than America. So much more diversity and everything is so close together; There's nothing like driving through 10 countries in a day. I'd like to move to Toronto or Montreal myself, although I don't know much french for the latter.

  26. Never considered Portugal, but I agree with your idea 100%

  27. Portugal has a nice culture and climate, I think it's not easy to integrate into the population though. But hey, who never tries, nver wins. Success!

  28. maybe try Chile

  29. lovin ur posts, good to have u back
