Saturday, 30 October 2010

Pictures like this tend to be convincing for the average person pissed off with society, but it should be seen through. There are music experts that theorised that pop music was music to rot the brain and make eveyone who listens to it politcally inactive. We need to realise that we can make a difference if we have the courage to stand up and say how we feel, while note voting may seem like a good protest to the corruptness of our governments it's certainly not helping the matter. All it means is that the people who have been brainwashed by the lies are more likely to achieve what they have been told to do. No matter how pollitally apathetic you are, educate yourself and vote with grate judgment aswell as romanticly selling your cause. You can make a difference.


  1. what's funny is that the same people that try and control the masses with advertising also understand the power of music, which is why they love blaming the things people do on whatever they listened to at the time. they try and demonize because they know the power it has

  2. Great post. I think you're right. People who sit back and complain about their condition just reinforce more of the same. People need to take a stand and actively pursue change.

  3. This might seem like a tangent, but I actually found the books from Peter Senge quite enlightening in this subject. I think government is just there to make sure everything runs smoothly, and not so much to be proactive about the problems of society. Like it or not, that's the way things are. I think the real power to change things lies in private companies.
    "Standing up for your beliefs", while it's a great thing, won't change anything. In the end, you'll end up being just a bunch of protesters. If you want to change things, I think you have to do it by yourself, however you can, instead of asking for the government to do it...

    Just my thoughts.

  4. Well said. People need to do something rather than complain. Actions speak louder than words.

  5. Interesting. Thanks for sharing that!

  6. something needs to be done asap!

  7. People need to make a stand against this corrupted government!

  8. Instead of voting for nobody, start your own party, gather strength through numbers, and create your own world based on the realities that you believe to be true and fair to all.

    Sounds easy... It's not, but someones gotta try eventually.

  9. What you voting man? I've not read up about it and I'm still undecided to wheather marijuana is better of leagal or illegal

  10. @ Moneynaoplz
    I'm from Holland and as you probably know, lots of drugs are legal here, it isn't a big problem tho, Of course me and my friends smoke sometimes but we are smart enough to not overdo it. There aren't alot of people relatively that are hooked too much on drugs, of course you always have the morons who can't stop and ruin it for themselves, I think it should be legal, you should decide if you are going to smoke some or not.

  11. I blaze everyday lol, but I can't add up the pro's and con's to form an outright conclution. There's too much for my stoned brain to take into account.

  12. I think if the Gov't is so worried about drugs, legalize it! Legalize it, and tax the crap out of it! Making drugs illegal has never slowed down the use of drugs from people.

    Great read btw.

  13. great post, my sociology teacher talked bout this pic in a lecture once

  14. Taxing it would only make people not buy it, they'd rather buy if from illegal sources if it was 50% cheaper, no?

  15. You may forget that the average American and U.K. citizens will accept this at face value. They are bred into consumerism and pacificism and generally feel that it is not their place to act. >:

  16. WEll, I would vote, but there's no point to it here in Mass. I don't think we've voted for anything but a democrat for rpesident in my lifetime. Yeah, we were one of like 4 states to not vote for Reagan in 84.

  17. A society divided among many bad ideas. Those that are fed up with it have too many conflicting ideas to come together united against the greater problems.

    It is time for the thousands of screaming anonymous voices to speak as one and start to change the world for the coming generations.

  18. Great stuff. come show some love.

  19. Yeah, I don't vote at all....

  20. Thats really quite true. Unfortunately, nothing much will ever change because people will always be corrupt and greedy. :*(

  21. But in england you can only vote for your local local constituency so it doesnt make an impact where I live cause my vote only helps the area I live but only if I vote for one of the main partys who suck.

  22. That's a great pic, speaks the truth. I choose to not vote :)

  23. nuff said man great pic also did you make it

  24. This is what I have been thinking about the last couple of days

  25. Nicely worded - I love the picture!

  26. The picture is so true. So obvious and creative pun.

  27. Many anarchists stand against voting as a really serious matter, not buying in and contribute to a system that they do not believe in. As I can see what they're doing, I find it quite stupid. There are some other anarchists that defend voting as a way of defending themselves, obviously they are against the system, but they know the power of the vote and vote for the one they think is the best or is the one who will make the least amount of damage if elected. Doing nothing is just stupid people, you can protest, do direct action and still vote.

  28. This picture is awesome.. so deepminded.
    And i would pretty like to stand up and tell evryone my opinion but its impossible since evryone in my enviroment got brainwashed by the tv/music whatever..

  29. Very deep post. It is so true that you can't vote for anyone these days. Trust no one, and you'll be fine.

  30. this picture contains a lot of truth right there

  31. I would love to make a poster like that here in my town...

  32. Totally agree. It's nicely counter-culture to vote none of the above, but it doesn't actually have an effect whatsoever. All it does is raise the voter apathy numbers. Vote, but learn about the candidates and make sure you're voting for someone who represents your views the most. DON'T VOTE FOR A PARTY!

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