Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Work Buy Consume Die

This picture pretty much sums up how I feel about the world at the moment. I'm not set in stone on this idea, but from what I've seen in my life so far it's the conclution that I've come to. My conclution is that we have been put in a prison inside our mind, through advertising, education and uncountable other sources we have been forced into a mind set that restricts everything we do. The main part I'm not sure about is, I'm not sure if it's a bad thing. Your views?


  1. YES I agree, makes me want to move to the hills and live off the land.

  2. thats depressing

  3. Sadly, this is very very true.

  4. hahaha well such is life
    So it goes.

  5. very cool blog, keep it up!

  6. I feel like postig a fight club quote haha. Advertising has us buying things we don't need etc.

  7. What about living, loving, having fun, learning, teaching...

  8. It's true for the most part. There are moments of magic or whatever you want to call it in there, though, that are the ones we live for. The entirety of your life can't be amazing.

  9. talk about perspective.

    listen to some bad religion, seriously.

  10. I can never listen to a band I've been told to listen to, but I'm sure I'll find them one day because when I find a band my self i can really get into them but thanks for the heads up!

  11. I really love that stencil, I've known it for a while and it is a really powerful way to express yourself and your worries and maybe ignite a flame of discontent within the current societal views... Many people have been pursuing successful careers that they really don't want instead of pursuing happiness...

  12. does somebody has got the stencil for that?

  13. ya, advertising pretty much has been the downfall of the past 50 years

  14. Well thats why alot of people are scared of illigal downloading cause it means we dont need to work for happiness

  15. Dude I feel the same way. like what is the point of all this?

  16. I don't think it's a bad thing, unless taken to an extreme... Which is probably what's going on today's society.
    I mean, not all jobs are bad, there's surely something you enjoy doing. Capitalism is a great system where the power of companies balance out the power of governments, and where people who contribute to society are rewarded. Consuming? If you weren't a consumer you wouldn't be here on the first place.

    I think the problem is when society takes it to an extreme level. When working becomes "slavery", and you consume what the media tells you to buy, instead of what you really want.

    I wrote too much... well, whatever. That's what I think about it.

  17. Its not adventurous enough. Who wants to go rock climbing?

  18. Sadly its true, coffee morning

  19. try to keep your head up man. life has it's ups and downs like everything...
